Sunday, March 15, 2020

Final 2015 1 Essay

Final 2015 1 Essay Final 2015 1 Essay Essay Final Summative Exercise History 30643 Spring 2015 This essay is due on Tuesday, May 5, at 4:00 p.m. This is a firm deadline because I must get your grades in!!! Feel free to turn it in ahead of time in my box in the history office, 308 Reed. In a well-composed essay of at least of 1,000 to 1,500 words, double-spaced, respond to the following prompt: Food is multivalent- it goes in many directions at once. During this semester, we have discussed food in these ways: Food and meaning- how people use food to make sense of their world Food and economic activity- how people use food to make money Food and responsibility- how people use food to manage the resources given them Your task is to select one of these themes and analyze it throughout American history, from contact to the present. You should also indicate its importance for the future of American society. The papers will be graded according to the following rubric: A B C Mastery of topic Exceptionally strong familiarity with the material under consideration Good familiarity with the material under consideration Acceptable familiarity with the material under consideration Analysis Exceptionally strong analysis of the material under consideration Good analysis of the material under consideration Acceptable analysis of the material under consideration Change over time Exceptionally strong in analyzing change over time Good in covering change over time Acceptable in covering change over time Thoroughness Exceptional thoroughness Good thoroughness Acceptable thoroughness Use of all appropriate sources: Wallach, primary readings, Diner, Pollan, cookbook analysis, class notes,

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